FIMO question


New member
If I use FIMO to sculp say a cape on a plastic marine, will the plastic melt with the temps to harden the clay?

I figure that a pewter miniature would probably be okay at the temperatures, but plastic I have no idea about.



New member
I\'ll have to try it on a cheapo mini.

I can tell you that it will not harm the paint if you use fimo on a painted metal mini then bake it.

War Griffon

New member
You will find that any plastic will distort if not trash itself as soon as you bake it when using Fimo unless it is only being baked for a very short time.

I left some plastic bases imbeded in fimo when I did a base for some Warmaster figures as part of a GD entry and the bases curled up away from the fimo during the baking so I am guessing that it may have a similar effect with the figure.


New member
I\'m sure the plastic would melt in the oven, but how about cooking the thing? I have never tried it, but I wonder if that would work.

On another note, why do you use Fimo to sculpt on a plastic miniature? Wouldn\'t Kneadadite be a better choice?
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