Expert Duelist and Conviction of a true Khaleesi


New member
Hey folks,

little question regarding the two abilities in the title: Can the 3+ roll from Drogos ability to remove an attachment be re-rolled when he is influenced by Daenerys?
Conviction of a true Khaleesi allows the re-roll of attack dice, so the argument is, that Expert Duelist has the blue melee symbol next to it and as such is part of the attack and throws attack dice.

Alliser Thorne

New member
Just because its linked to an attack doesnt mean its using attack dice, and the dice rolled for it certainly are not.

Attack dice come from a unit's attack profile and are a very distinct thing. Expert Duelist just instructs you to roll a die and on a 3+ X happens. At no point is this interacting with attack dice.
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