Dreadnought wpn


New member
I was just looking throught the new marine codex and I\'m quite fascinated with the new ironclad dread. One thing that seems to pose a problem is that the model is armed with a seismic hammer that doesn\'t have a model so I was looking for some help in brainstorming for a conversion. Any help is greatly appreciated as always. Thanks in advance.


Super Moderator
Hammer who mentioned a Hammer? :twisted:lol

I\'d suggest that you look at the Chaplain\'s Crucius staff for the basic outline as it\'s going to have to be rather thick in the shank to stand up to the forces applied.
A long time ago IIRC the Chaos Dreadnaught used to have an option for an oversized thunder hammer.


New member
What is it supposed to be able to do? Is it just like a big hammer or what?
I\'m thinking somewhere a long the line of a powerdriven hammer......


New member
basically its a big thunderhammer that gives plus one on the vehicle damage chart and it lets the dread reroll difficult terrain test as he is battering the obstacles out of his way with this new hammer
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