Dragon Themed Space Marines


New member
Below is a link to my new Space marine army. It is now about 90% finished with just 1 squad and 1 tank left to paint.

I hope you like it, I am so very tired of painting scales. I have no idea how many hours are in the whole army, but im sure it is hundereds (I am a slow painted on top of the number of scales to paint)

I have painted armies on this scale before, but I do think this is my favortie.



Shogun of Saskatchewan
Wow! What a Herculean project that must\'ve been. Looks great, I have nothing but praise for you creating such a uniquely themed force. Is this for yourself or is it for a customer?

It\'s rare to see space marine\'s done so uniquely, but still fitting into the fluff of the 40k universe.

1000\'s times well done!


New member
I am glad you all like it, it means a bit more to me than a single mini does, so its nice to know I have accomplished what I was hoping for.

actually there are pictures of individual models/tanks with the links below.





New member
I really love these Space Marines its amazing! I can\'t say I\'m a fan of the green used, but looking at the models as a whole it really suits it, those are awesome!


Super Moderator
Originally posted by CELPainting
I hope you like it, I am so very tired of painting scales. I
So now would not be a good time to tell you that technically the scales are the wrong way round.
Having looked at these it took me quite a while to \"Click\" that the curved portion of the scales were pointing up on the Champion and to the front on the Vindicator. In nature the rounded portion of the scale on snakes (and fish) is to the rear of the scale.

Having said that, the work you have done deserves some serious respect for the dedication it has taken to achieve a very eye catching scheme. I have no doubt that this is definitely one of those armies that would stand out at a tournament and be a serious contender for Best Painted Army.


New member
Originally posted by Dragonsreach
Originally posted by CELPainting
I hope you like it, I am so very tired of painting scales. I
So now would not be a good time to tell you that technically the scales are the wrong way round.

youre a cruel, cruel man mikelol
seriously though, that is one sweet army, especialy the landraider


New member
They are awesome! The one complaint I have is the captain. I think he has too many scales on him. Maybe you could break it up a bit with some of that green? Or maybe black? Especially on the face.


New member
Sorry for a double post. Any chance we could see a shot of the whole army all together just to get an idea of how big it is?


New member
thanks for the kind words.

to answer some of the comments above,

I made the army for myself (I couldnt imagine doing this as a commision peice, it just wouldnt be time effective for myself or the buyer)
Someday I will sell it, but not until I have had my fun playing some games with it.

OMG the scales are backwards, you are right and I am lef twith my face red. I could defend it saying that asceticly I like them this way, but that would be untrue, I just didnt realize.

I will post a full pic of the army once the last few minis are done, I have a squad of sternguard to finish, a standard bearer, and part of a rhino left to finish. In total its 6 tanks, 1 dread, 6 terminator sized models, and 40 regular sized models (5 sternguard, 20 tactical, 6 command squad, 3 characters, 6 jump troops)


Super Moderator
Originally posted by CELPainting
OMG the scales are backwards, you are right and I am lef twith my face red. I could defend it saying that asceticly I like them this way, but that would be untrue, I just didnt realize.
I don\'t see it as a problem as the whole set looks really good and to be honest I think that 9/10 people wouldn\'t \"click\".
It\'s just that I\'m doing some sketches on Koi tattoos and it eventually clicked with me. (And as I said it took a while as well.)


Shogun of Saskatchewan
Originally posted by Dragonsreach
Originally posted by CELPainting
I hope you like it, I am so very tired of painting scales. I
So now would not be a good time to tell you that technically the scales are the wrong way round.
Having looked at these it took me quite a while to \"Click\" that the curved portion of the scales were pointing up on the Champion and to the front on the Vindicator. In nature the rounded portion of the scale on snakes (and fish) is to the rear of the scale.

Having said that, the work you have done deserves some serious respect for the dedication it has taken to achieve a very eye catching scheme. I have no doubt that this is definitely one of those armies that would stand out at a tournament and be a serious contender for Best Painted Army.

D\'OH! Reason #137 for putting up a WIP thread for big projects like these!

As DragonsReach said, most people won\'t notice. The ones who do notice will be close enough for you to smack, so that\'s an advantage!

I really think this army is gonna turn a lot of heads. As I commented earlier Space Marines tend to sort of run into each other and not stand out in ones memory for a long time. I am a fan of the model range, but even when painted to a high standard they tend to just get lost on people.

Your\'s are so exceptional because they not only break that trend of the \"yay. another space marine.\" by having a unique scheme painted to an overwhelming standard but it still manages to keep in the theme of the 40k universe. You\'ve used your creativity to create something I have never seen, and still make it feel like part of the Legion Astartes.



New member
Wonderful work! Who is to say that the scales are the wrong way round. You are only basing this on scales found on earth creatures.


On a scale of one to ten I give it a ten.

Awesome! What a cool painting scheme you\'ve achieved! It\'s good that you\'ve gone with the scale effect that may be unorthodox. It gives it that fresh and original look. It reminds me of the ol\' flame thang. The black should come last. Or is it the yellow comes last? Who cares! They both look cool! Now that you\'ve mastered the scale painting technique, can you please go all out and paint a single dragon style SM that wins the Golden Demon? You can do it!

Happy days!


New member
I really like these guys!

It\'s a fantastic idea and I think you pulled it off wonderfully.

As for the scales being backward... just say that they are designed to drop in from orbit. If the scales faced the other way, they\'d shear off during the drop. ;-P

I don\'t normally care for space marines, but you have a really cool army!

No Such Agency

New member
Originally posted by CELPainting
OMG the scales are backwards, you are right and I am lef twith my face red. I could defend it saying that asceticly I like them this way, but that would be untrue, I just didnt realize.
Meh. Just make up some fluff about how the backwards scales honor their brothers who have fallen in the Emperor\'s service, or commemorate battles they lost, or some nonsense like that. Space Marines are all about that sort of thing (like all fascists, they love sentimentality).
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