Doing a Clean Cut when Repoistioning


New member
Hello Everyone
I need to ask how can i get a clean cut on my new SM Commander (I dont want to use GS because this is for a local GW Contest which has a rule saying NO GS)

How can i get a clean cut on the right leg so i can repoistion him as if he was running? I was thinking of using a hobby knife or clippers.

Help would be Great!
Thanks My CMON Community
Silax Out


New member
jewellers saw

or a razor saw, clippers don\'t cut clean enough and a hobby knife will take ages.

mind you are they plastic ? then a good knife should do it .



New member
Its Plastic But I dont think my father would agree to get my a Jewelers Saw He think i\'m irresponsible.....
I have a nice set of hobby knives which might work if i put a bit more forcebit more force into the knife and push down it might just give me clean cut...


New member
It might just give YOU a clean cut.
Surely if you cut it and reposition it and paint it without filling the joints it will look terrible.Is there a rule that multi part models cannot have a filler used on the joints.
I would look at the rules closer,or ask the staff.It sounds to me like they dont want heavy conversions,Im sure filling joints would be OK,but where is the line drawn.


New member
Well Klute after i cut the leg and reposition it I would be covering the joint with a talbard so yeah the legs are like regular space marine legs but its different in a way where theres more purity seals and some changes but although i\'m pretty much refering toa regular space marine legs. I\'ll probably after cutting file the leg and the hip flat so i can pin it and then glue it so i then have the leg positioned like i want it to be.

is this alright?


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
He won\'t let you have a jewler\'s saw, but you have X-acto\'s??? :eek:

Although a jewler\'s saw would be better, X-acto makes some saw blades that will fit in their handles.


I would reccommend a fine or extra fine blade.

They also make some that are more like regular X-acto blades, but like mini saws:


Or the #13 blade:


No Such Agency

New member
The thing that annoys me about my X-Acto razor saw is that it cuts on the push stroke. That\'s much harder to control than cutting on the pull. Also, instead of buying the X-acto handle, I bought a cheap screwdriver at the dollar store, the whole head shaft pulled out and I epoxied the saw in place there. Works great as a handle even if the saw itself is ehh.

WTF kind of lame-ass contest doesn\'t allow you to fill gaps with putty? Maybe they meant \"no sculpting completely new body parts\"?
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