displays for army


New member
Im getting ready to start working on a display board for my vampire counts army and frankly I have zero ideas. I just picked up a serving tray to serve as the base( really nice at tourneys were table space is at premium.) to build the display. If people would be willing to post pics of their display boards or pics of ones they really like that would be great. Open to any ideas or comments, everything helps. after all is said and done I'll get some pic's posted here as well. I have all the basic materials to work with, foam, sand, paint, cork tiles, airbrush, flock. so throw me some ideas please!!!!
Well, first off, how many figures/regiments/points are you gonna put up? I've been thinking of building one, but with 7k points of undead... gonna have to wait with that project 'till my Wolfen army is done.
Well, depending on space available between minis/units, you could go for a nasty swamp, rocky mountain pass, desolate battlefield, the ever-popular graveyard or even the outskirts of a village. It really depends on how much space you have to fill, as well as any base design you might have already done on your minis. Also: what kind of colour scheme are you gonna use on the minis? Having a black/green army in a black/green swamp tends to look a tad boring.
One thing I'd definitely do: Create a slope or tiers on the tray, for visual depth of the display as well as getting to actually see all the lil guys when the display is just sitting there in the cabinet or so.

Materials, of couse, depend on what kind of basic landscape you would like to go with... but seems like you've covered the basics with that. The exact way to fix minis also depends on a couple of things. Again, how many? Wanna insert minis one apiece or use unit bases?


New member
Yes more detail. The mini's right now are painted in a cooler color range. I've left the bases at the dirt phase and have envisioned them being snowish. This will be for a 2250 list. I would prefer to display the rank and file.. ie ghouls, skellies in block formations to make them easier to pick up and play with during the tourney. units that are fewer in number such as blood knights, characters, larger monsters I would prefer to be able to adorn their bases in a manner that matches the terrain board. the actual dimensions of the board are 14'' by 20"
you mentioned providing depth. This is also something that appeals to me but I shy away from the rocky out crop board.... Im not opposed to occasional rock out crops as necessary. I plan on cutting holes in key terrain pieces to allow character models to recess into the display as they will not change with different army compositions. I still cannot get a definitive image in my head of how I want this to look.....aaaaarrrrggh
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