Discarding starting Equipment?


New member
It is a bit tricky, but came to my mind:
Do the Pans, but also the Fire Axe, the Pistol or the Crowing Bar, as a matter of fact, Evil Twins or Ma's Shotgun, even Molotov get discarding to the same discarding piles as others?
Because, if it does, you might continue searching and find again a whole Molotov (or a Pan), when you came across the "first" deck...


New member
The Evil Twins, Ma's Shotgun and the Molotovs are never mixed into the equipment deck. They are always left aside. Not sure about the pans and other starting stuff, but I don't think that mixing them in during the game would cause any harm. Drawing out a frying pan is better than pulling out an "Aaaaaah!" card.


New member
I had read somewhere that the pans are left out as well. (Either the "Big Question" thread or the FAQ.)


New member
It's in the FAQ.

The Pans, along with the other above mentioned 'special' weapons, do not get placed into the discard pile, and do not get shuffled into a new equipment deck.


New member
After all everyone has grabbed their stock pot and fled the city - leaving all the shotguns, smg's, pistols, axes, baseball bats etc just lying around :sarcastic:
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