differences between male/female faces?


New member
That's a good start but you do need more practice anyway I would recommend sculpting heads only (even just faces) for a while as the fastest way to get better at it.

The key things that distinguish a female face from a male face, for this kind of work, are probably easiest to see in comicbook drawing and cartoons because they're slightly caricatured or exaggerated so find some and really look at them.

The characteristics include: larger eyes in relation to the size of the face (in reality eyeballs are all a similar size and women have smaller heads so...); smaller and narrower chins; fuller lips; softer, less-defined features overall; and one of the most important, less of a brow ridge (in archaeology when they dig up a skeleton a pronounced brow ridge is one of the first things that point to man).

Practice, practice, practice! Don't expect to get really good at faces until you've done a score or more.



New member
Practice, practice, practice! Don't expect to get really good at faces until you've done a score or more.

aye that. and check reference. google images of women you want her to look like and directly copy them. eventually you'll get a feel for what looks right
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