Desperate for painters


New member
New company needs painters who are willing to work for the chance to paint new models. Payment will be in pre release miniatures until the ball gets rolling. For more info contact


New member
It may be worth posting a link to pics of the miniatures in question so that people can see before they offer their services ;)



New member
I saw your post over on Portent too, but you still haven\'t even given th name of your company, does it have one??


I have to agree with Avicenna, you are almost going to have to post some images to wet appetites here, or at least give some idea what we\'d be working with (ie. monsters, military, pc\'s, 25mm, 32mm, 72mm, etc.....).


Super Moderator
desperate for miniatures...

I think you\'d find quite a few new recruits here, and some serious talent waiting to be unleashed....

But, a little more info couldn\'t hurt....;)


Originally posted by Shawn R. L.
I\'m interested. On the subject line, put my name - Shawn.
??? ...should we email/PM you then Shawn?
Forget I said that, just being stupid.....hey!I was still half asleep


... I guess oaxy wasn\'t as desperate as said. It\'s been months. ;)

So I think I\'m going to try to do a slight highjacking of the thread.

The original poster said payment would be in \"prerelease miniatures.\" We know how much people can get on commission per figure. Several talented folks are clearly interested in working just for miniatures, as indicated by the responses prior. I\'m curious how much of this interest is based on fair trade (IE, getting your commission\'s worth in miniatures out of a company) and how much is based on the excitement of a brand new miniature and the thrill of painting it before most folks.

For example, let\'s say a company sent a single miniature to one of the top painters (Haley, Victoria, Verzani, Cyril, etc) for free, said, \"Paint it, send us a photo, and then do whatever you want with the figure, including selling it before ours go on sale\" as \"fair trade.\"

If you were in their shoes, do you think this would this be worth it? If you were given the same offer, but had your current level of talent, would it be worth it? Let\'s say it was an entire series of miniatures from a line in exchange for only one being painted. Again, worth it?

I realize that many people will consider it worth it, and many won\'t, but what I\'m mostly interested in is the reasoning behind it. I\'m keen on understanding the balance between the artistic thrill of doing something new versus the purely business work-for-hire side of things. At the root of this is the age old art versus money, and it intrigues me.

I\'m in one of my curious introspective moods, I think, where I take a somewhat abstract, variable subject and hold it up, turn it around, and admire it until I can relate to it in everyway. Thus I realize this probably sounds as though I\'m trying to make something complex out of something simple. :)




most companies that work with pying in miniatures will want to have the painted model for shows and stuff, you don\'t get to keep it. Forgeworld for instanse work with a \'paint one, get one free\' system. This sounds great when you\'re a hobbyist, but do you REALLY want to paint another one of the same model?

I personally cannot afford to paint for stock, and although I charge a \'company rate\', because they normally offer bulk work, the exposure gets me more work and I can stick it on my CV.


New member
Originally posted by E-Arkham
I\'m in one of my curious introspective moods, I think, where I take a somewhat abstract, variable subject and hold it up, turn it around, and admire it until I can relate to it in everyway. Thus I realize this probably sounds as though I\'m trying to make something complex out of something simple. :)
Isn\'t that what\'s called philosophy? :D


New member
Originally posted by t_haye2
most companies that work with pying in miniatures will want to have the painted model for shows and stuff, you don\'t get to keep it. Forgeworld for instanse work with a \'paint one, get one free\' system. This sounds great when you\'re a hobbyist, but do you REALLY want to paint another one of the same model?

I personally cannot afford to paint for stock, and although I charge a \'company rate\', because they normally offer bulk work, the exposure gets me more work and I can stick it on my CV.

If its the new Chaos Dragon I would! (Sadly Forgeworld have yet to respond to my enquiry on this very subject :()


New member
I\'ve have never painted for a comission, and would not no where to start. I did come close to getting a job at Foundry and was so disappointed at missing out by a cat\'s whisker.
I would paint for kind but if there is no prophet other than payment in mini(s) then it would have to be at my convenience ie I would have to work it around my job and my hobby.
I wouldn\'t want to put my hobby aside for the demand of getting minis done by a deadline.
If you were being paid hard cash (Scott) then yes I would give the mini in question priority.


New member
This is what Im doing for Sacred Blade at the moment.
As I see it its a great way to get the ball rolling with regards to painting for cash.I get to keep the mini I paint and send the owner the pics to use on the Sacred Blade site.As far as time taken to cash or equivalent made its nowt.But they are great minis and at larger scales most of them work out pretty good.
He gets good quality (open to argument:D) pics and I get nice minis to paint and possibly a bit cah if I decide to sell them,and the kudos for painting for an upcoming and probably here to stay company.
Hopefully it will bring me work from other areas or help me get a better commission price.
I think it is up to each individuals taste really.
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