Converting dumbledore

Grey Area

New member
I\'d like to paint a Dumbledore miniature for my girlfriend who\'s a Harry Potter fan, but I don\'t know of any existing miniatures of him.

If anyone knows of any 28mm or 54mm figures of him or could suggest miniatures in other lines that look sufficiently like him to be easily converted then I\'d be very grateful.


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Quick shot of Reaper\'s Fantasy Fig Finder turns up 45 adult human male wizards.



02114 Galladon

02491: Lucius Panderwagon

02591: Valdarynn Redwand

02700: Toxanimer

02771: Lorus Hightower, Wizard

02905: Arthur Wanderhat, Wizard (more of a Gandalf)

Then there would be GW\'s Gandolf
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