Concept art: please comment


New member
Hey there everyone. We have got some art here and would really love to hear your opinions on it.

These are some concept head designs for the warriors of the Pleasure Cult, a gang of loyal mortals who worship Pleasuredemons. These guys are the submissive \"gimps\" of the army, while the leaders are all dominant female mortals and demons. They are clad mainly in leather armor and are the grunts of the army. They are from a medieval period of history.

We are looking for the top head concepts, which will end up being sculpted in a 30mm heroic scale.

Here is a new compilation, with a few suggestions taken into account. Please just post your fave five and your least faves. I tried to make a poll but you are only allowed for 10 poll questions as far as I can tell. Anyhow, any comments are appreciated.



New member
I agree about the gag ball.

Then it\'s A, C D E G although in fairness your only eliminating 2 there so whats the harm in doing all f em on a sprue?..:p


Stealth Freak
If this is for a medieval period, I think G is not right. It looks too much like a gas mask. While it could have been imagined and made then, I think from a game point of view it will distract the player by reminding them of WWI. So I\'d dump it, or at least modify it into something less similar.


New member
Personally I am a big fan of goggles. I think they add a bit of mysticism to a mini, and since G has on a gas mask I think you should try making a sketch of a couple minis with goggles.

Based off of the concepts you have my faves are (1 being most favorite):

1 - G
2 - F
3 - C
4 - D
5 - E


New member
3.B&C (look pretty much the same to me)

E.F.G don\'t look too gimp-ish to me (if that is what you are shooting for). If just we can also see the design for the rest of the body

\'gag ball\' :] you learn new thing everyday :beer:

evil tendencies

Cake or Death?
I like F because it de-humanizes the face, which sounds like it would work for your concept.

I also like E, because it makes him a cross between a slave and a warrior that won\'t let his mistress come to harm.

Also, I\'d second the idea of bolting the stuff to their heads. I think it would emphasize the permanent nature of their servitude.

Onis Lair

New member
Personally i\'d nix either B or C as they are almost the same, D and E are similer as well. But i\'s pick A, B, D, F, G


New member
F & G just don\'t fit the medieval period look you mentioned so my five woulod be ABCDE, my favourites being A & E.


New member
Thanks for the very helpful input everyone.

I just edited the original post with some new art. I have taken into account some of your suggestions. As far as I can tell a poll only allows for ten poll questions, so that may not work, but it would be nice if it did.
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