Complete list of unit sizes?


New member
Does this already exist somewhere? I was planning to back the soon ending Mantis Model Storage Cases kickstarter (, to use for my WoK models. They have a number of different foam tray layouts to choose from and I was trying and figure out which ones I would need for my WoK pledge.

Is there a complete list of unit sizes floating around somewhere on the internet? I know a lot of the models are typical infantry size but others (Zaalak, Galvic Defender, the monsters, etc) are larger in size.


New member
Nothing really exists for the height of the units, the cards will give you base size.

From seeing the resins in action I would say that if you use the height of the Wolfen from confrontation, that will be very close to the Goritsi Werewolves (and probably be a good estimate for things like the Wrath and the Fernzies

The hardest part will be the monsters though, since I am not sure just how tall things like the C.A.G.E. will be


New member
Hi Xav,

As we don't have a height/weight chart for WoK the best I can do right now is give you these:

Most 30mm base models are 35-40mm in height, most 40mm base models are 40mm-50mm in height, most 50mm base models are 50mm-60mm in height and most 80mm base models are 80-120mm in height

The Blood Engine for example is about 75mm tall, the Dancing Master is 37mm and one of the Skorze is 57mm (I happen to have a few of the resins on my desk right now) bear in mind the production plastics may have a mm or 2 variance so these are just approximations for you.

I can try to snap some photos of some of the models I have at home tonight or tomorrow and get them posted up for you.


New member
Thanks for the reply Derek. I did manage to find those images in one of the KS updates and they did help a little. Using those and the rough numbers you provided I should be able to pick out some foam trays for WoK. Thanks again!
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