Combined Activations and Leader Interactions


New member
So, reading the Inspire rules in my rulebook, I noticed the Inspire only goes off if all the models in the Combined Activation matched the leader's type. That made me wonder, could a Skorza leader issue a combined activation to Zeti infantry? Seems like it could. Even beyond that, could that same Skorza Alpha combine the activations of a mix of Skorza, Zeti, and Ravenscar provided I'm willing to forgo the Inspire?

These probably seem like simple questions, but I want to make double sure I'm right before I go around telling people how they can do their CAs.

CMON Michael Shinall

A Leader may issue a Combined Activation to any Infantry. Please note that ALL MODELS in a Combined Activation must share a trait (So no, you could not activate Zeti, Skorza, and Ravenscar together).

If the models share the same trait as the Leader activating them, they gain the benefits of the Inspire.


New member
Ugh. You're absolutely right. I misread the OP's original question. Didn't realise the 'mix of' meant ALL at once.


New member
If I use a combined activation on let's say 3 models and I maneuver them first, thus out of range of my leader after movement, Can those 3 units together use an action then (like Sprint)?


New member
If I use a combined activation on let's say 3 models and I maneuver them first, thus out of range of my leader after movement, Can those 3 units together use an action then (like Sprint)?

"After selecting all the models that will activate, the active player chooses which stage they will perform first, maneuver or act. All models in a Combined Activation must resolve each stage in the same order, meaning if you choose Maneuver first, all models will complete that stage before Acting, and vice versa."

So there you go.
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