Classic Dwarf Thunderer

DoBe KenoBe

New member
Here is my first of 10 Thunderers. This was my first try on painting woodgrain.
I hope you like it.


New member
wood grain looks nice color a bit bright for me I tend towards duller stuff but overall not to bad at all. Just a bit more shade on the flesh maybe:)


:eek: Looks like my kitchen table. Not much a fan of all that pink, but it all works together as a mini.

I think the grain looks pretty good and then some for a first attempt at it.


New member
I am not much for glossy finishes. If it were my mini I would give it a matte varnish. That said I love the colors! I see great potential in your mini painting, keep it up!


New member
Hi DoBe, that\'s a nice looking Thunderer, he\'s one of the Marauder ones isn\'t he? I think I have a blister of them buried somewhere. You\'ve done a great job of the gun wood grain, a nice effect, the silver metal looks good too.

To bump his score I\'d suggest:
Cropping the photo & posting front/back images alongside each other.
Dotting in his pupils, always scary after getting so far on the face I know!
Paint the button on his blue bag, brass?
You could shade the recesses of the Imperial/Warlock Purple with a small brush just dabbing in dilute Blue Wash (like paint, not a runny wash), then highlight a little by putting a touch of one of the off-whites into the purple (Bleached Bone/Rotting Flesh/Space Wolf Grey/Ash Waste Grey/etc). The thing being that this needs to be the same colour you use to lighten the blue of the bag & green of the hat/shirt for it\'s final highlight. This should help reduce the garishness of his colour scheme just a little.
The Brass/Gold metal could use a little more shading, particularly the powder caps (? under stock). I\'d suggest tiny amounts of green/brown wash, again just a small amount painted/pushed into recesses, not smothering the whole area.
Try some fine verical brush strokes of black/brown wash on the eyebrows just to bring them back down to the beard colour.

Hope that doesn\'t sound too mean but with the wood grain you\'ve shown that you\'ve got the skills, just practice now! I\'ve voted, :beer:



Super Moderator
I like the bold colors.

I agree the shiny look pulls it down a bit.

I suggest darklining the eyes a bit. That would make them pop out better.

DoBe KenoBe

New member
Hey guys,

The shinyness comes mostly from the flash of my camera since I needed to be realy close to take a clear photo. It made the mini look brighter then it is as well especially in the face.

I will brush it up a bit following your suggestions and repost it with a photo of another camera.

You talked about painting in the pupils, how do you do that?
I use a 5/0 red sable brush to do the eyes and especially with dwarfs they are so small that I can barely manage to paint the eyes cleanly let alone the pupils.

I chose this bright Paintsceme because I want to paint a \"Rainbow Company\" of 10 Thunderers wich would be quiet a fitting name.
That means every dwarf has another colorsceme and I bind them together throu the vibrant colores.
That was at least my thought :)

Thanks a lot for the comments and the constructive critics.


New member
Hi DoBe, how to paint the pupils? They\'re always a bit of a \'mare for me which is why I paint the eyes as the first thing on the head (\'eavy Metal always seem to do them last). There are various face/eye painting tutorials you can reference but here\'s my most recent process...

You have his iris\'s nicely centred & he doesn\'t look cross-eyed, well done, next is the black pupil dot. First work out what angle you\'ll hold the brush at. Hold the figure up so that you are looking directly into his eyes, that line between your eye & his is the line you want the brush to follow. Do this & both pupils should be looking in the same direction. I\'ve found that I used to hold the figure upside down to paint one eye because it was comfortable, then hold the mini sideways for the second eye, hold it up & the pupils, even if within the iris, often looked a bit squiffy! The other reason for knowing how you\'re going to hold the figure/brush is because there will be so little paint on the brush that it\'s going to dry quickly, you need to go straight from pallette to execution without fannying about at all!

Chaos black on the pallette, small amount of water alongside for gradual mixing, brush with the finest point (not necesarily your smallest one!), paper kitchen towel sheet. Paint on brush, fine dot onto paper - does it spread? too wet. Is it a dry little scratch rather than a round dot? too dry. Keep going until you can see from how much paint is on the brush that you\'re going to get a neat dot, breath out, dot in pupil. Easy eh? lol I\'ve found that if I can see a bead of paint on the end of the brush then it\'s too much, trail brush across pallette for a cm or so leaving a spider leg thin line, just enough paint left for a neat dot.

Next you can dot in the even smaller white reflection marks if your\'re feeling confident! (I\'ve achieved this a grand total of once! on my gallery Snotling).

I don\'t think your photo\'s too bad at all, if you want to feel better about it, cruise the galleries for some low scoring models ;) Just crop out some of the background & let me see his back, you\'ve done a nice job, now share! :)

Rainbow Company should be fun. As long as the bases & metals match they should theme together. You could strengthen it slightly by choosing one common colour, leather all the same, or all blue bags, just to keep them thematically unified. When they\'re ranked up will they follow the colour order of a rainbow? So that a 7 wide, 50 deep unit would stretch back across the table like a rainbow? (Red on the left through violet on the right).

Just some thoughts, looking forward to seeing the rest, :beer: B.

DoBe KenoBe

New member
Thanks for the tip about the pupils, but I will have to smoke a spliff before I try this so im clam enough :)

I\'ll try it on monday since im off then and have some time to relax.
I will repost him when hes finished.


[ninja smiley goes here]

Painting eyes....CHEAT!

Get a Micron pen that is the size you need for eyes, and the color you want, and after making the pupils white, just draw in the eyes with the pen.

Say a .05 blue pen dot, followed by a .02 black pen dot in the center of that and you have the whole eye.


But I hate painting eyes, so most times don\'t bother with anything, or I end up with all cross-eyed minis.

Just make sure no matter what method you use, you are facing the way the eyes are looking and that both are looking the same way.
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