Clarification of WoK mini satus.


New member
This was a question asked on the KS comments but I am copying it here since i think it has a better chance to be seen by Mr Black or some one else in a position to answer.

`CMoN / Mr Black, not to throw Jen Haley under the bus or anything (We like Jen and I love seeing her updates), but she just posted (09/08/14) a couple of PICs to Facebook saying "All the [Wrath of Kings] production plastic samples have arrived, including previous corrections, and this ought to be the very last round of checking them for problems before the final models go into production." WHA?As you can see, I'm a bit confused because in your Update #90 (08/12/14) we were led to believe that the delay was caused by problems with printed material and old art assets. You even go as far as saying "I'm happy to say that right now all the model production is DONE, aka all the plastic/polystyrene components are good and ready to go (you can see some additional production pictures in the previous update)..."
I'm hoping that this is just a big mix up on Jen's part and the only thing that we really are waiting on is printing because if the models aren't done yet I'm betting we're not getting this game in November either...
So, Mr. Black, please let me / us know what's going on.`


New member
Hey people! Jen Haley here with clarification: Yes, that was somewhat mistakenly worded on my part. The plastic minis ARE set to go, the last molds were tooled some time ago. I've been doing QC checks over the course of the year as each mold is made and we receive samples of the plastics (as shown in some of the Kickstarter updates).

This was the first batch where I had a sample of ALL the minis in the line, in all the various combinations that will make up all the box sets for all the factions, both the normal retail and the Kickstarter versions with bonus figures, at the same time. So it was just a final routine check, similar to the final proofing process of a book or magazine, after final editing but before sending to the printer for mass production. I did not expect any problems, but I still go through the procedure, just because. :-D


New member
Jen, long time fan of your work, first time questioner of your posts. The question we were asking on kickstarter was basically: we were told all minis are made and we are just waiting on printed snafus - you said that all minis are now ready for production and these are the final checks *before* final production. I stated on kickstarter that the reason for the delay doesn't much matter, but contradicting information hurts peoples confidence in the project. Anyway thanks for posting the pictures, we are close(ish) to delivery now!
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