Centurion\\Iron Fang Stat cards


New member
Just made the move to So Cal.

I\'ve got my Iron Fang\'s, and I\'ve got a Centurion...

alas, I find no stat cards! Looking online for PDF\'s I can find none for these units... wondering if there is any help?

Also, I\'ve never mentioned this, but on the warjacks it seems like the casted models are not symetrical... a slight off angle.. just oddities.. .anyone else get that?


New member
Sorry, but I think only the starter army cards were released as pdf\'s. You can get the Iron Fang stats out of Prime Remix if you are going to buy that, but the Centurion is in Escalation, so Remix won\'t help.

Try contacting Privateer Press. They might have pity on you. Or buy a copy of Escalation (which I highly recommend... great fun!)

I hadn\'t noticed any asymmetry, but I\'ve seen many jacks shipped with incorrect parts. Quality control at PP can be ... lacking.


New member

Yeah, I got the feeling people were having trouble with parts... Lets see, I bought 5 centurions, one was missing a pair of legs, one a torso, one a pair of arms, one a shield and one a head.... bing, now I\'ll have 6 centurions! er.. thats dishonest.
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