I took the plunge the other week and got some new supplies. I\'m new\'ish back to the hobby and have been trying out layering using some W&N Galeria brushes with good succes apart from the brush ends hooking. Alot of people have enthused about the series 7 brushes. So i got a #0 and a #1. I\'ve only used the #0 and i must say i\'m underwhelmed and disappointed. The brush when not in use has a very good, sharp point but as soon as I load It with paint and remove the excess paint the end tends to split into 2 or three points. It\'s really frustrating as i\'m losing brush contol. I don\'t think I\'m doing anything wrong and i don\'t like blaming my tools but i just get this gut feeling that the brush may be duff (bad batch). For the layering i\'m thinning my paint 5:1 using distilled water with liquitex folw-aid and retarder.
someone please save my sanity.....:flame:
someone please save my sanity.....:flame: