Can chaos dwarves be used in a chaos mortals army?


New member
hi i am just starting a chaos mortals army and i was wondering if you could use chaos dwarves with them, i have some dwarves from battle of skull\'s pass. i know you can mix beastmen with mortals so i was wondering about the dwarfs.
Good question, actually.
I\'m pretty sure the rules for Chaos Dwarfs (Ravaging Hordes, I think) aren\'t applicable for WFB\'s current edition. You might, however, rebase your Dwarves on 25mm bases and, when you properly \"chaos\" them up, declare them as either Marauders or even Chaos Warriors (depending on their gear). Might give an interesting fluff aspect to your Chaos force. I myself used some appropriately painted Dwarves and Chaos Warriors as Ghosts and Wights, respectively, for my Undead army. So basically, I\'d say go for it, although you might have problems with ranged weapons. And since Dwarves and Chaos Dwarves do look quite different, rather explain them as some kind of corrupted and/or defector Dwarves than as \"real\" Chaos Dwarves.
Hope that helps,

Roger Bunting

New member
I\'m not sure; but I have a feeling they are going to bring CDs back with their own book. In the basic characteristics section near the back of the rulebook, the CD stats are listed and there\'s a note saying that they don\'t have an army book at the time of printing.


New member
I could have sworn I posted on this topic but now I don\'t see it. Wierd.

To reiterate, You can never say never but I\'m pretty sure the Hellcannon crew are the only Chaos Dwarfs you\'ll be seeing.

You can always paint up Long Drongs Slayer Pirates in chaosy colors and use them. I think.


Dorks for Orks
another option if your up for some hunting is finding the out of print chaos dwarves back in the mid early 90\'s or so when I played wfb there were quite a few chaos dwarf minis made as well as their companion race of hobgoblins, not sure how much the games changed since then but I\'m sure theres some way of updating the stats or what have ya to any new rules, if memorey serves there was also a book for em tho I can imagine that would be a bit of work to find.


Dorks for Orks
Did a quick lil brownse for info hopefully some of this helps you out acording to this post chaos mortals and chaos dwarves aren\'t compatible, tho friendly games you can talk to your opponent and see tournies I would doubt it from the sounds of this thread.

hope this helps with your question a bit more.


I have a load of old Chaos Dwarf models and two copies of the army book. I checked on Ebay and they seem to be going for stupid amounts :bouncy:

I\'ll post on here if I put them up for auction but if you are interested in any of it pm me or something.


New member
apparently from what i heard the chaos dwarfs are a possible new army in the next one to two years....

but then again they could end up going the way of the stunties in 40k......
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