Brand new to the game: sell me on a faction


New member
So I had someone introduce me to the novella this weekend and now I'm sold. Going to buy a starter set in a week but I'm having trouble picking a faction.

Aesthetically speaking the Nassier, Teknas, and Shael Han are my top three. I've also read the rulebook and cards in PDF. Based on my looking through the rules it seems that Teknas is about second strike capabilities with a lot of punishment for the opponent's choices. Shael Han is about proper application of the toolbox in cluster synergy bubbles. Nassier is straight force application with no tricks.

Are these breakdowns accurate? If they are I still can't decide and am looking for opinions.


New member
Yup, you seem to have that right. Advice? Just go with the faction you like the look of the most, although that is a hard decision in itself.


New member
We can't really sell you on a faction, especially when you already have the gist of what a factions primary shtick is.

I'll say that Nasier seems to be the most forgiving of the three you've chosen, because much of their power is based on the models themselves, not relying on other models nearby or your opponent rolling what you need to counter attack. They also function well at all 3 game levels.

Shael Han and Teknes don't really come into full potency until skirmish or battle level games. You want to bring the tricks and skills that the Rank 2 models bring to the table, and multiples of the models that bring key buffs. This is only really doable in the bigger level games.

So the only advice I can really give, is buy all 3, play a bunch, and decide on your main then :D


New member
I appreciate the feedback. I was wondering if I had correctly pegged each faction. I might end up going with Shael Han as I like controlling my own abilities over roll dependent ones. The Nassier look visually stunning but I always enjoy more challenging armies to play as.


New member
I appreciate the feedback. I was wondering if I had correctly pegged each faction. I might end up going with Shael Han as I like controlling my own abilities over roll dependent ones. The Nassier look visually stunning but I always enjoy more challenging armies to play as.

I chose Shael Han and I haven't been disappointed. The enlightenment rule is what really makes them fun to play as it's just a big toolbox where you get to choose what buff is best for you in any given turn (as long as you're in insight range). I also really liked their aesthetics.


New member
I play both Nasier and Shael Han. My Nasier are my "serious mode" because they can just roll up and crush everybody. Shael Han is what I play when I want to go easy, because I can list build to exclude some key insights, or play them less efficiently by spreading my forces out more so that I cannot have access to the hole toolbox at the same time.

I like them both, and win often with them both, so its really the look and play style of the army that should guide you. Sounds like you want a little more thinky/challenging, so I agree Shael Han would be a strong pick for you.
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