Blending Questions


New member
I was looking through some white dwarf articles on painting faces and they never say whether they blend or layer when applying highlights. So I was wondering do people blend their highlights when painting faces and are there any other forms of blending other than wet blending (Possibly feathering)?

Ps. if anyone has an online resource I can look at to get tips I would appreciate it. :D

cleen X

New member
They´ll probably blend them. If I must guess I´ll say that they blend them using layering with very thin paints dragging the brush towards the shadow/highlight (depending on which of them you paint).

But there are some eavy metal painters on this forum. PM Razza, Fildunn or Durham red and ask :) I´m sure they will give you the answer.


New member
Originally posted by tring
I was looking through some white dwarf articles on painting faces and they never say whether they blend or layer when applying highlights.
Blends (graduations/transitions) are often not done using blending but rather by layering - it\'s gotta be the most common way of working with the paint in the hobby.

If you\'re having trouble with smooth transitions either use thinner paint and more layers (with the brush damp but not wet) or feathering of the edges of each successive layer.

Also, it can be worth it to mix more intermediate mixes so the jump in colour from one to the next is smaller - instead of just three or four in total try three highlights and two or three shadow colours, so maybe seven colours in all including the base colour (the midtone).

Originally posted by cleen X
What water to paint ratio do you use?
Beware formulas ;)

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