Black Templar WIP and Conversion Ideas.


New member
To celebrate my glorious ascension to the wonder that is higher education, and because the rest of my stuff is already stored away in the attic, I decided to re-do my templar army. It\'ll give me something to do when I\'m not studying. :D


I decided on the red robes to differentiate between the dozens of other templars out there, it looks good, and can be fluffed away. I\'m not a huge fan of the black/white contrast scheme that GW favours, so I chose a softer black/bone version.

A basic rundown of the scheme is this...

Armour - Black, Codex Grey HL
Shoulderpads - Bleached Bone, possibly up to 50/50 Bone-Skull White, with thin chestnut ink wash for shading. Character rims may have NMM gold.
Robes - Red, worked up from black to blood red.
Aquila/Chest - Bone
Weapons Casing - Red.

All other details (skulls, parchment, purity seals) will be done as standard.

All characters will have swappable magnetized weapons, some will even have swappable and posable heads.

Also on the horizon, when I\'m happy enough with my skills to attempt this, is a conversion of Marneus Calgar and his honour guard to fit in with my templars. Basically, I aim to remove and cover up all the ultramarine iconography, and replace it with templar crosses, and a ton of purity seals.

I\'ve photoshopped roughly how I want it to look.



Any comments and criticism?

***Apologies for the terrible photo of the WIP templar. My camera seems to have a problem with smooth colour. In reality its pretty smooth...Not GD standard, but its only a test model.***


New member
Halberd looks bad in the powerfist.
(Apart from being drawn in lol)

Everything else looks cool :)


New member
I tried to change was just a little too difficult to find an image with hand that matched the angle.

He\'s going to have at least three different arms on each side, in all likelyhood


Originally posted by Necrontyrtitan
He\'s going to have at least three different arms on each side, in all likelyhood

6 armed marines? MUTANT!!! HERETIC!!!! lol

A halberd isn\'t a particularly knightly weapon, they were used mainly by the plebs in battle. How about giving him a flail made from censors? Or a poleaxe? you don\'t see many of them about which is a shame because they\'re evil weapons :twisted:


New member
it was mainly the grey knight influence working on me there... :D

As for the six arm thing...not all at once!

I\'m thinking for his left - Shield, Pistol, Original Marneus Fists
and the right - Sword/Halberd/????, Pointy finger, OMF

Or whatever....haven\'t decided going to check the rules to see what a Marshall can take...I\'m mainly in this for the modelling and painting side, but its going to be legal, just incase I start playing much more.

night goblin01

New member
The calgar in black looks cool but maybe just a little bit to reconisable as the lord or the ultramarines maybe a head swap would be a good change


New member
I forgot to mention in the last post that he\'ll have at magnetised heads. I\'m thinking...

- Marneus Head
- Normal Terminator Head
- Fancy Black Templar Conversion Head
- Bare Bearded Templar Head


New member
i really like the marneous calgar idea. really like the color. and it really relieves me to hear you say you will have diff heads to switch around w/. persoanlly, im not too fond of the marneous head with that color scheme although it was painted perfectly.

btw. this may be a really stupid question since im not very familiar with where certain sprues are from, but on your templar SM, where can that helmet be obtained?


New member
On the one I\'ve painted, its somewhere on the Black Templar upgrade sprue, with the other templar heads. I believe theres a similar one on the command sprue, too.

As for the winged head, unfortunately thats part of the Marneus entourage. I am going to experiment with some greenstuff to try and get a similar effect.
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