Black High Elves?


New member

The question of the matter is, Black GW High Elves...does that work??

I dont mean fully black but can i use black as a main colour on my high elves?? would it look any good??

And also what other primary colour should i use with black if i were to use it??

Cheers, Rod:cool:


New member
Do you mean skin tone or clothing. Personnally I get tired of the poncing elves running around in white chiffon. I use a darker theme myself for hi elves so black would look good for the clothing. As for skin tone could be interesting. maybe you should do a test mini and post it and see what happens.


New member
no one will have a problem with it. What are they gonna do get confused that their playing DE even after you tell them this is HE.

How you paint them is entirely at your discretion and it would look better and easier to paint than white.
I guess any primary colour would go with black (it\'s that fashionable :D), just try to go for a brighter shade of red, for example. As long as you keep the metals bright and shiny, that should provide enough counterpoint to the bright faces, so it don\'t look misplaced. Just give it a try and give us a yell when you got pics.


New member
Just a thought but in Japan the hero always wear black and the villian white. maybe a black robe with white trim. Keep it very simple. I\'ve seen it done and if done right looks stunning. The flesh of course would have to be very light almost white. The more I think of it the sweeter it seems to me. Too bad I working on Ogres. Love to see the test mini. Go the eagles ps is Guy Mckenna still captain. Its been awhile since I watch AFL


New member
I understand that in Japan white is a color associated with death.
Japanese brides never wear white dresses.
Of course I\'ve never been there it\'s just what I heard.

Anyway, Black could be good, but it is hard to shade well. Harder, I think than white.
If you look at historical medieval heraldry for inspiration (which I often do) then you would mix black with either white or yellow, silver or gold. Of course, clothes don\'t have to follow the rules of heraldry, and black and red look good together - they just look black from a distance is all.

Whatever you do, I\'d suggest keeping it in a very bright color. Black and dark green would look very dull, but black and bright emerald green could be nazzy.

Of course, my HE\'s have every color BUT black so what do I know.


New member
Something that I considered before was to paint my HE with the same colours used by the Gondorians on the LOTR films.
Those helms scream \"High Elves\" :)


New member
Having Trouble

@Godlikebuthumble: I have painted up a Red with Black high elf, although i cannot put up pics:(. I found it to be pretty good, but unfortunatly i could not get my red bright enough. Got any ideas?? I have also considered black with Blue ( might try that one out
@ogrebane: WOW you havent watched the footy in ages!!

Thanks for your replies everyone



New member
Ive been in Qld for 22 years. They only just started showing the footy regularly about 5 years ago. I work out in Longreach which is even more backward than Brisbane. Besides most people follow the NRL so I follow it just so I got something to talk about. I think the black and blue will be better. DFor bright reds I think most people use yellow to high light. I personally mix white with red and then use a red wash to bring it back to red. The red ink gives you a much more vibrant color than a paint wash. Good luck


New member
Originally posted by bayrodney
I have painted up a Red with Black high elf, although i cannot put up pics:(. I found it to be pretty good, but unfortunatly i could not get my red bright enough. Got any ideas??
If you primered black, it will take a lot of work to get red bright. First, paint the bits you want red, white. Then lay down a dark red base coat and work up to an orange. For fabrics I like to use Snakebite Leather as a final highlight for red.
one example
check out the heart at the bottom


New member
To get light colours over black, I usually use a light grey (in my case sombre grey or ghostly grey, I think - I don\'t go by names anymore), then a little white (it will probably not cover well. That\'s OK though), then paint on the colour I wanted, highlight it and... basically, that\'s it. Keep the coats thin though and remember that only your final colour needs to cover completely.
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