Best Spray Varnish for Finishing?


New member
Hey everyone. Simple question really; What's your favorite spray varnish for finishing models intended for play (and why)? For a long while I've been using GW satin finish spray, but only because it's what I have (and it's running out!). Would you recommend something else?

Thanks a lot.


New member
I use testors DullCote on almost all models, with occasional applications of satin or gloss acrylic on gems, water effects, etc. I once thought I needed to gloss coat first, for protection, but have stopped doing so. Dull cote is as tough as anything else, and the primer is the key to chip-resistance anyway.


New member
I don't mess around when it comes to varnishing figures for play (but then I have 2 kids).
2 coats of tamiya gloss varnish with 12 hours each then a final coat of taimya matt to kill the shine. So far so good


Almost Perftec! Aw, crap.
model masters through the airbrush or testors dulcote from the can :)


New member
I use testors DullCote on almost all models, with occasional applications of satin or gloss acrylic on gems, water effects, etc. I once thought I needed to gloss coat first, for protection, but have stopped doing so. Dull cote is as tough as anything else, and the primer is the key to chip-resistance anyway.
I concur testors is the best


New member
Seems to be a lot of support for Testors Dullcote. Lucky for me I am UK based so it's a simple matter to obtain. I'll order a tin =)

Thanks very much everyone


New member
Testor's Dullcote ftw. Its expensive but there's a reason why.

I have also used Vallejo matt varnish and Vallejo Metal Gloss Varnish through my airbrush. Both are good for a very controlled application. But again, Testor's dullcote out of a can is still the best matt varnish.


New member
Even though I'm one of those idiots who buys a varnish for every brand paint I use (can't be bothered with cross brand problems) I always use Dullcote as my final once everything else is finished. Had one bad can but apart from that I can't think of anything that rivals it.
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