Asura de Sarlath - or other Necromancer


New member

I am looking for a single footed \"Asura de Sarlath\" (Confrontation, Rackham) or some similar looking necromancer from a different manufacturer. Therefore, just a couple of questions:

1. Can anybody tell me Asura\'s size in [mm] from tip to toe (footed)?

2. Can I purchase him somewhere solo, or must I buy the large package, footed & mounted?

3. If I\'d have to buy him in the package, is anybody here interested in buying solo Asura mounted while I\'d keep him footed? (I have to mention, that I\'d need him only, if he has not more than 32mm max.)

4. In the end (and that\'s it :) ): Does anybody know necromancers from other manufacturers which have a similar evoking posture and 32mm max.? As far as I have seen, GW or Reaper necromancers, e.g., don\'t look very evoking / active...

Thank you all for your answers :) .

Best regards,


New member
It seems, from looking at the Rackham store, that you can\'t buy him on foot separately but need to buy the entire box. I don\'t have this mini so I don\'t know his exact height, but Rackham\'s minis are generally in 32 mm scale.

But, if you haven\'t done so already, post in the trading forum here and on other sites to see if someone can sell you one. Maybe someone only wants the mounted one... :)
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