Article: Mech pilot by Cyril


New member
Great, I'll try some of those colors soon. Well translated arthur, although an eye protection thing is called a visor :)

To cyril if he sees this: is this mini available for sale ? Because sometime I saw another paintjob of this mini and it wasn't yours :)


New member
Nice work Cyril (and thanks for the translation, frenchkid)! I was wondering though how you got the smooth gradients. I can see that you use a layering technique, but I'm unclear as to whether you feather the layers or tone the adjoining areas.


New member
Well thought out and excellently presented. My favorite is the base, I can learn so many new techniques just from the base alone. Concise with great pictures and a simple to understand style.

Mario Rodea

New member
Excellent article the severala steps are very detailed and clear and very useful for the intermediate painter keep up the excellent work!!!!!!!!


New member
Just fantastic.Well detailed description,translation seems off in places but its still very understandable.


New member
Wow, great walk through, useful tips for any kind of human mini. Interesting that you didn't shade the uniform at all, looks really good regardless.


New member
A fantastic article and a proof of cyril´s unmatched mastery in both sculpting and painting - amyzing; a specialy thanks to you too, Frechkid, for bringing such marvellous articles to us non-french!


New member
So that's how you get the skin so smooth: Paint the shadows in on top of the Elf Flesh bascecoat. This minimizes the number of coats on the bigger portions of the face! Great!
Cyril tu m énerves, tu es trop doué... il y a un truc que je n aime pas du tout ds cet article c est que .......JE COMPRENDS RIEN A L ANGLAIS !#@-*! je voudrais aussi savoir si tu vas bientot mettre ton site en route? ca m évitera d aller voir ts les encore une chose peux tu me conseiller sur mes peintures.. merci et Bravo pour l ensemble dee tes oeuvres


New member
Pour David : les originaux de ces articles se trouvent sur la ML Figurines_fr où tu es inscrit donc va voir les fichiers ^__^. En tous cas c'est vraiment une superbe réalisation . Un seul regret : que la figurine ne soit pas disponible à la vente.
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