Article: CMON contest 6 voting almost over!


Brushlicker and Freak!
Hmmm, does seem a little expensive, but when I think about it, reaper are a similar price here and GW are more expensive and its a REALLY nice mini.

I\'ll be getting a couple (already have an idea for a conversion...)


Super Moderator
Originally posted by beowulfthehunter
I love the model and plan to purchase one, but why the 3 dollar price increase? His figs where never this expensive.
I don\'t consider this expensive!
In comparison to the prices of GW you\'re getting a better quality sculpting and supporting a CMON member.

Oh And my hat\'\'s in the ring for this one. :D


New member
Originally posted by beowulfthehunter
I love the model and plan to purchase one, but why the 3 dollar price increase? His figs where never this expensive.

Well, my figures had always been smaller (this one is a good deal chunkier and taller than most of the Spyglass pieces) and in one piece. Production costs are higher now and Coolmini have their cut of the cash. Plus I spent a lot longer sculpting this piece than most of my previous Spyglass work.


Sven Jonsson
Shouldn\'t that be 5/31/06 and 6/30/06

Unfortunately I probably won\'t have time to paint her before that date. :( Well well.


Super Moderator
Originally from Beowoulfthehunter
love the model and plan to purchase one, but why the 3 dollar price increase? His figs where never this expensive.

Discount rate $8.99 United States Dollars (USD) = £5.12370 United Kingdom Pounds (GBP)
Standard rate $9.99 (USD) = £5.69301 (GBP).

Bleeding steal at either of those prices! :D


very cool mini!

A bargain if you ask me!

Very nice miniature indeed!

I\'d buy one but I don\'t have a credit card. Girlfriend wisely won\'t let me get one.

I\'ll be keen to see the comp entries.


New member
OOOooohhhh... a CMON competition to join! Yay! I know I won\'t win, but I can\'t wait to see how my mini looks in comparison! wooohooo!

Oh, and nice mini too.


New member
Ok, my order is in!
I want to see more and more miniatures sculpted by Steve in future I have supported his creations in the past because I like his works (and because I consider him a friend) ;)


New member
While I think it\'s expensive (but then I hate paying more than $1 for a mini) I will still buy one because it\'s such a darn good mini and I have a great plowshares vision for her.
Though I don\'t know if I will have time to paint her for the contest - not that it matters as I haven\'t a snowball\'s chance in hell of winning.


New member
Ordered one, will be participating...
It\'s my first CMON competition, so it\'s interesting and surely challenging too. I can\'t wait to get to painting this thing. :)

No Such Agency

New member
Kinda $$$... but I\'ll probably get one. I am kind of stalled right now bc everything I am painting is not very appealing. I need a boost
Granted I was the first to gripe about the price, but I did order one. I am a hige fan of his work, specily his 54mm =][= to bad GW killed and raped that game.

I to have no chance of winning, but I will compete.


New member
Geez guys no wonder he independants find it hard to make a living doing this stuff. You seem to think doing everything yourself and not mass producing should decrease the price???


Now in stock! arrived 6 days ahead of schedule. Buddle is the man :) Beautiful sculpt... all pre-orders are shipping today. They are selling fast. If you don\'t want to wait for restock, get them while we have them!


New member
Originally posted by DrEvilmonki
Geez guys no wonder he independants find it hard to make a living doing this stuff. You seem to think doing everything yourself and not mass producing should decrease the price???

Whereas the reality is that it just increases the profit margin per figure (and it does). That may seem to mean that we can make the figs cheaper but the bottom line is how many you sell. If a figure doesn\'t make you enough money to make it worthwhile sculpting it in the first place, then that\'s the reason not to bother. There\'s an assumption that us independants rake in the cash by selling thousands of these things. It\'s a rare mini that sells in those kinds of numbers. And it\'s pretty rare to even come close...

And I must say that the post office really had their finger out. I only posted the figures last wednesday. Given that there\'s a four day holiday in there I\'m well impressed :)

Now go buy figures and I\'ll make more. :D
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