Army of the Dead green...

Citizen V

New member
I\'m trying to paint some minis the same green ghostly shade as the Army of the Dead from LotR. I\'ve also seen this same shade on older banshee minis from GW. Can anyone give me a hint or point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!


night goblin01

New member
I would start with a dark green base like Dark Angels Green and Dry Brush up with lighter shades of Green, using very bright greens like Snot Green and Scorpion green maybe with a little white added to each to give it a more pastle look, using a green wash to tone down any areas that look to bright, and finishes with extreme green but virtualy white and white highlights.
But thats just me lol hope this helps


New member
Have a seach on the minis and try to PM some of the painters - some really good stuff in here. Also have a look at bengodall\'s recent article skellies in moonlight (or some thing) it\'s top of the painting and could easily be changed into green colors


Super Moderator
The original LOTR boxed set artwork is suggesting that the figures are done with a Grey basecoat and washes/glazes of green.
I\'d seriously recommend staying away from drybrushing to try to obtain a ghostlike effect in this instance.

One thing you could try is adding Vallejo Metallic medium to a pale grey and picking out the highest points on the mini to try to emulate the etheral nature. (or if no Vallejo thinned Mithril Silver).
I did my VC Ghosts in a similar way:
White undercoat, very thin black wash to pick out shapes and shades, then a bit of Bilious Green (or Scorpion Green+Bad Moon Yellow)mixed with Vallejo Glaze Medium as a final transparent layer. Basically a kind of underpainting. Works a treat, given the amount of time you spend.


New member
The painting guide for Army of the dead is in the Two towers suppliment book from GW.

Will have a look and get back to you
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