Army List question


New member
There was a time that I had a great collection of 40K stuff. Rulebooks, old and new models, and some really interesting conversion sketches and half-finished pieces.

Then I got divorced...

Without going into gory details, I don\'t have any of that stuff any more and there\'s little chance I\'ll be getting my notes back. Which brings me to my question:

What are the unit size limits for Seraphim and Raptors? I\'m working on a conversion unit that could be used in both the Chaos and Daemonhunter armies (unless they\'ve changed rules too much from either), but I don\'t know how many figures I need to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
5-10 I think. the new Seraphim aren\'t out yet...or not since last they might be different, but i doubt it. :flip::bouncy:


New member
No, they\'re the same, they may have added a couple of extra poses, like the battle sister squads, but that\'s it


New member
5-10 on both squad types? Man, that\'s cool. There\'s a new sculpt for the Sister Superior, but the troops are the same. I\'ve got 10 conversions to do :D.

I\'m sure I\'m not the first to think of this... converting Sisters of Battle into either Chaos-corrupted Sisters for a Slaneesh themed army or post-op transsexual Chaos Marines, depending on how the fluff is interpreted.

I\'ve found it\'s often good to have multiple explanations for homebrewed fluff. A surprising number of adamant fanboys don\'t seem to read much... and then there\'s the half-eldar thing...
Yup like my mate who has an anime themed SoB army replete with strange coloured hairdos and yellow armour. I\'ll leave it up to your imagination what our group\'s extra Victory Condition of \"Scalp Nene\" was. :D


Super Moderator
One thing in the Witchunters Codex the basic troop squads can go up to 20 Sisters. But then they don\'t get to ride in Rhino\'s, Repressors or Chimera\'s.
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