Any guides for or tips for a more begnnier NMM?


New member
Well I read through some NMM guides and they have been helpfull.

I however don\'t think I could ever spend the hours on a mini some of these artists take, I dont have the paitence or the skill.

So I was wondering if there were any guides or tips for a \"Happy medium\" NMM, of course I dont expect results like the pros but something that looks half way decent and can be done in a more reasonable amount of time?

Also any guides on were to place highlights on armor would be great to0.

Specificaly I am strating with Grey Knights then will be painting a band of Griffins for my first confrontation band.


New member
When doing NMM you need to have an imagined light source whose light is reflected on the metal surfaces. The most common thing is to use the zentithal lighting idea, that is light coming from above (from the sun, perhaps). Until you get an instinctive feeling for where to put your highlights, try shining light on the mini from above (place it under your work light, for instance) and study where the light falls. Then paint according to that. Remember to go all the way from really dark to pure white in the most extreme highlights.

Hope this helps.


New member
Well according to what\'v seen in the WIP thread you definetly have the skill to do some really good NMM. From what I gathered the two main points for good NMM are, good contrast, and smooth blending. Good luck with it.
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