and survey says


New member
howdy neighbors im kinda doing a littel survey for sh@#ts and giggels i want to know what units in the wonderful game of 40k yall concider fire-magnets, every race has them and i wanna know what you think they are

evil tendencies

Cake or Death?

Heh, just kidding - had to poke at my wife's army. Umm, my wife's Dark reapers tend to be downrange a lot when I'm playing my marines, for obvious reasons. My drop-podding Sternguard led by Lysander tend to take a lot of fire, as they usually come in about an inch from the enemy and pose a rather nice threat to them.


New member
For me nowadays, Rune Priests. I've never seen a unit/character draw and soak so much fire, especially after the second or third turn.

evil tendencies

Cake or Death?
For me nowadays, Rune Priests. I've never seen a unit/character draw and soak so much fire, especially after the second or third turn.

New SW codex? Yeah, the new Njall tends to get the love at our store. Which is reasonable, I suppose, after he takes down a greater daemon, the Fateweaver, half a Thousand Sons squad and Ahriman in the first turn of the game. I hate Jaws of the World Wolf with a passion usually reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.


New member
"I hate Jaws of the World Wolf with a passion usually reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." LOL my god man can i please steal that quote that was F'ing haliorus man

evil tendencies

Cake or Death?
"I hate Jaws of the World Wolf with a passion usually reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." LOL my god man can i please steal that quote that was F'ing haliorus man

Go ahead! But it's not all mine...the second part is a quote from the "Our Mrs. Reynolds" ep. of Firefly.

evil tendencies

Cake or Death?
what about tau havent heard anythign from the tau players whatcha got guyz? .....ok nids can play too

Heh, oh yeah, Tau. Ethereals, for darn sure. Shooting them in the head with my Vindicare is about the best part of any Tau game. I have a 5 in 12 chance of killing him with one shot (using a turbo-penetrator round), thus forcing morale saves for most of the army, and maybe even pinning his bodyguard...not a hard decision.

Tyranid Carnifexes draw a lot of fire from my army, since I have a lot of sniper rifles with my scouts.


Hi thare

well thats sipel all the big mesing stufe the littel S@@#$ T will tack of selfe butt some times the littel F@$$%$ sneks up and gets yah so whill you are on the gigantic swigont thows grechen get in places you hade no idaer you hade and zap well you get the idaer thanks WKJR


New member
For Eldar I'd have to say the Avatar always gets a lot of fire aimed towards it and rightly so, you better take it down before it reaches you!


New member
Imperial Guard: Heavy Weapon Teams
These poor guys are too easy to kill for a lot of points and the enemy knows it. Basilisks (when in range) for the honorable nod.

Sisters of Battle: Seraphim
Never seen so many plasma and bolter shots thrown their way. The hit and run tactics they have make them prime targets. Honorable nod to Sister Repentia.

Eldar: Harlequins
Can't blame anyone for shooting them, they're easy kills but once they get in close they're just plain evil. Farseers for honorable note.

Space Marines: Terminators
I've seen people waste a ridiculous amount of ammo on these and seem to only kill one or two. Dreadnoughts for the honorable mention.

Tau: XV22 Stealth Suits
They seem like easy points, and they should be, but they seem to last forever under a lot of enemy fire. Hammerhead Gunship for the honorable nod.

Orks: Nobs with Thunder Claws
Lot of points for a big meaty target. I see a lot of artillery with blast radii aimed this way. Killa Kans for the honorable nod.

Dark Eldar: Skimmers
All of their skimmers are lightly armored, and all of them attract fire like tijuana attra---there might be children here. Wytches for the honorable nod.

Tyranids: Genestealers
Most players I know just try to avoid Carni's when they can and rack up points on these guys. It's not a horrible tactic. Hive Tyrant gets the honorable nod.

Necron: Scarabs
Infantry in particular send huge volleys at these. IG use their flashlights en masse to take these down. Necron Lord gets the honorable nod.

Chaos: Defilers
In the realm of vehicles these are surprisingly easy kills for a boatload of points. Much easier to take down that Possessed Marines. Berserkers get an honorable nod.


New member
I disagree. For me, it's the T'au Broadsides. Those railgun platforms are always first on my enemy's kill list. (Don't run Ethereals for the reason mentioned above).

Also: Runepriests, of course. Avatars and Wraithlords are apparently naturally magnetic because rounds just seem to bend around the table to hit them. Thunderwolf Cavalry, Monoliths and Nob Bikerz seem to come in pretty close too.


New member
I disagree. For me, it's the T'au Broadsides. Those railgun platforms are always first on my enemy's kill list. (Don't run Ethereals for the reason mentioned above).

Also: Runepriests, of course. Avatars and Wraithlords are apparently naturally magnetic because rounds just seem to bend around the table to hit them. Thunderwolf Cavalry, Monoliths and Nob Bikerz seem to come in pretty close too.

The Broadside Battlesuits can be, and they are the smarter target, but I see people go after the XV22's more often. Probably because I put them right in the enemy's face and taunt them. Guess it's really dependent on what you deploy and where. And I don't think I've ever seen anyone run an Ethereal.

You're right about Wraithlords taking a lot of heavy fire, but most opponents I've seen don't shoot that much at the Avatar. In fact, it seems like most opponents take a stance of avoidance. I've even seen an IG player just throw a unit at it to buy a couple of rounds and say to hell with the lost points. Seems to work for him.

You're dead on with Nob Bikerz. I completely forgot about those.


New member
wow ive been away for awhile and damn this has took more hit than a kennedy lol yes lord i know that was worng please be with the starving pigmys in new guinne

Hard Cover

New member
Trukks. Easy to pin, can be exploded by bolter-fire, probably kill a couple of boyz too. I usually start all my guys in trukks and battlewagons though.


New member
There's a psychological trick you can play with in actually making something a fire magnet. Paint it nicer. Folk tend to focus on the things that look fancier. Even those with enough knowledge of stats and abilities, on an emotional level they invest more time than they otherwise would in destroying the fancy looking units.


big boys

well we all know the big boys tanks trucks and bigg crichers if i play okrs and hade the chas to use my new siggoth and my lage big foot ork truck then i think you will shoot at it thats why i put a mek on it with a foce fild and meger armer nobs or big booms so i can shoot at you long didnts WKJR
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