Airbrush paints with regular brush


New member

Have any of you had any experience with glazing with airbrush paints using a regular brush?

The reason I'm asking is that I have tons of airbrush paints and sometimes I am missing the "regular brush equivalent". Since I'm a newbie when it comes to glazing I am not skilled enough to figure out if it's my technique or the fact that I'm using airbrush paints when something goes wrong.

Hope you guys can provide me with some insight! :)


New member
I use them regularly that way. They are great.
Technique used is the same as for any other paints.


New member
Thank you! That information will save me a lot of money and anxiety! :D
(Fantastic paintjobs in your gallery btw!)


New member
I routinely brush on airbrush-specific Createx paints. Remember they are thinner than regular hobby paints, and expect 3-4 layers for a good coverage.
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