Air Rules


New member
Can anyone who already got their Battle of Brighton expansion post the air combat rules here? I just want to be able to start thinking about how to incorporate the planes and zeppelins.


New member
Gave it a quick read, these seem like they're going to be really fun, especially after I pick up BoB!


New member
That reminds me, any update on the TT rules, certainly will need them with the reinforcements on their way.


New member
Just read the rules and it says air units can only use air plugs, but there is only one plug per side to use which is a bit poor, can't see why you can't use others like the AA MG's.


New member
I don't have a problem with this ruling - I think it's a sensible way of making sure inappropriate plugs don't get used. I'd like to see more air-plugs soon though and there is obviously a set of plugs that could be used (like hacksaw or Lt. Macleod). To be honest most of the ground-plugs have effects which either attack ground units; which doesn't make sense in an aeroplane or add ground focused abilities.

Maybe version two will have generic plugs and ground-plugs.

@comediamasta - just a small thing, you may have noticed: none of the plug hero's reward VPs!


New member
Are all plugs either/or? I'd like to see some plugs that could be used in both ground and air units. Is there really currently only a single air plug per side? That just feels wrong, since there are planes with multiple slots.


New member
Can't see any reason not to be able to use all the weapon plugs or most of the heroes, you are not going to put any with Tank shock in anyway and a lot of the others just have precision.


New member
First page of BoB says: Air Plug - Add-ons to air units. Air plugs may only be used with air units. Also, air units may only use air plugs.


New member
First page of BoB says: Air Plug - Add-ons to air units. Air plugs may only be used with air units. Also, air units may only use air plugs.

Yup, thats what we are discussing, seems a shame that other plugs can't be used.


New member
Here's a breakdown as I see it:

Blight could works:
Cyclops - could work
Elsa Frost
Grenade turret - though thematically odd.
MG AA - though thematically odd.

Blight couldn't works:
R100 - he only attacks ground units with a spanner.
Flame turret - I feel thematically this is wrong
Baron Munchen - only attacks ground units with his sword

Allied could works:
Cher Ami
The Veteran
Lt Macleod
Pneumatic Revolver
X-3 - though thematically odd.

Allied couldn't work:
The slammer - I feel thematically this is wrong, it's a massive cannon that attacks land units.
Durgle - runner ability broken in the air

Neutrals -could work:
Man in Charge
Babygirl - Rapid Assault could work in the air

Neutrals wouldn't works:
JetPacker - tankshocking with a plane only works once.
Rosie - this is plausible but not with her rivet gun.


New member
With your custom card builder, we could always make air-appropriate plugs out of the ones we have. It'll be some time before we see different plugs. I thought the allied bombers turret was a plug? Is it now apart of the plane.
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