@freakinacage: Space marine scout. They've got the strong lower face I want for a bit of a Judge Dredd feel - there'll be more than one homage to their origins I'm sure. The one with the Geordie LaForge visor made the perfect base! All the parts are from that set orignally, though I'm expecting to make enough changes as to render them unrecognisable, with any luck. Although I have plenty of problems with those sculpts, my main gripe is that all of them are holding the slides on their shotguns back. Hence the unnecessarily complicated reversal that's going on...
@Blue Cobold: They're actually pretty cool, yeah. However, they look out of place amongst newer models, both in style and scale. The Necromunda enforcers fit better, but lack in character and pose. I thought a reimagining would be fun to do. A fair bit comes from the illustration found in the Dark Heresy book, which I think shows a lot of what Arbitrators are about whilst moving away a bit more from 2000AD...
See the colour pic here.
On top of that, well. I dislike metal. And I need to practise sculpting, because I'm pretty amateurish so far. I think I improve faster if I really stretch myself, and this project will
definitely be taxing.
I am cringing seeing that lettering close up. Hopefully I can improve it a bit after its fully set. Currently I am a little worried, as the 7 letters are pretty much exactly the width of the torso at the shoulders. I'd rather not do them all again for the sake of a millimetre or so overall, but perhaps it's for the best.
Still, I cannot describe how pleased I was to realise that having 'arbites' on the back in imitation of the markings on modern police vests allowed me to have an imperial symbol style I centre stage. It's the little things that make me happy
. In this case, exceedingly little...
Brief appeal for help:
You can see there's loads of plastic dust stuck to that head. I brush it off, but it seems statically attracted back. Are there any tips on dealing with this surprisingly malignant stuff, or am I just going to have to simply resign myself to cleaning all parts between sessions?