Adaptive methods


New member
Question on tactics card "Adaptive methods": Does expend here mean to put any token on an enemy unit, also if they have no token on them? So expend = put on/ use.

Or does it mean to "exchange" a token on an ememy unit that already has a token on it?

The word expend is kind of difficult for me as a non native english speaker.

Thanks for your help


New member
Hello Klenkister,

This means that when you use a condition token that is on an enemy unit, you must change it to any other type of condition token when you use it.

T :D W


New member

so when an enemy e.g. has a panicked token on them, I could choose to change that token into a weakend token if I see that e.g. their defense safe role was to good and I want my opponent to re roll dice. Since the trigger is anytime this should work right?


New member
(wrote way too slowly)
To say in other words:

Expend means in english ”to use”.

When you have any token in an enemy unit, by playing that card you can use that (any) token as any other token.

So if it was Panicked token, instead of using that token as is meant when enemy is resolving panic test, by playing that card you can use it as if it was actually a Weakened token (when enemy is resolving attack dice) or as if it was a Vulnerable token (when enemy is resolving defense saves).


New member
Yes, "expend" means "to use" in this case.

When you use the card, you will use a condition token as any other valid token type for that situation.

T :D W
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