200 skinks taking a bath - dirty


New member
200 skinks taking a bath....



Dirty isn\'t it



New member
Don\'t envy you if you\'re painting all 200 up.
Once did 56 Skaven and that near enough killed me...


New member
200... thar´s really a big effort, good luck:drunk:

btw: what´s simple green ? never heard if it. The bottle says it´s biodegretable, would you mind posting what´s this stuff is chemical???

i´m interrested because the usuall solvents used for strippping paint are pretty nasty


Stealth Freak
Originally posted by Bigdennis52
I was thinking the same thing... GREEN spraypaint and thats it
Nah. Just giving them a dip/wash/whatever will make them look quite a bit better. I\'m always surprised at how much better stuff looks after a wash. I haven\'t really done them for figures, but terrain and other inanimate objects... just so remarkable. Guess that means I\'m still early into my paintin\' learnin\'s! lol
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