1st game. Now with exploding crabs!


New member
So got my first game in with a buddy. Really just feeling out the games mechanics.

Nothing to exciting but there was 1 notable thing happened. I attacked his Sheild of Taelfon with the Reaver. Since he has resonate on him I threw 4 dice. He has 2 wound s so I thought to myself, this dudes toast. I roll a 3,3,1,4. He decided to use his backlash enlightenment. I fail all 4 checks and crank the damage with a 10, 10, 9, 8! If we played it right that's insta damage and instant dead Reaver.

Pretty funny moment and pretty fun game. Looking forward to our next battle!

CMON Michael Shinall

You also got cheated, probably not intentionally, of course, but still cheated:

Shield of Taelfan's Enlightenment:

[Defensive Insight] Ignite the Spirit Fire: Aura6”, Once per attack, when this model is attackedand a [MAGIC] result is generated, 1 attacking modelsuffers Backlash.

The defensive insight can only trigger once, not 4 times, as you listed above.


New member
Thanks Mr Black. Whew! Good to know. Definently unintentional. No harm no foul.

Hopefully the time we clash, the crab will get the upper ...claw on the Shield. :)


New member
Now, since the Reaver was attacking the Shield directly, wouldn't the Shields ability to create a second backlash still come into play? While it would not have created 4 like the OP suggests, it does seem like it would create 2, and since any of the two results above would have caused the 2 wounds needed to kill the Reaver.

My group has been playing it where the insight on other models can only create 1 backlash, but if you target the Shield itself, you get 2, and I want to make sure we have/have not been playing it correctly.


New member
Mezegis, you are playing it correct. If the Shield is attacked and a * is rolled during that attack, he gets backlash, and because of his INCREASED BACKLASH ability he would roll 2 will attacks against the crab. If both rolls were equal to or higher than the crab's will, the crab would be eliminated.


New member
So if the Reaver gets the Backlash result 4 times, would that generate 1, 2 or 4 will checks?
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New member
Technically it should generate a single will attack with a rate of 2. So 2 dice against will, with 1 damage per result >= the will power of the guy who attacked the Teflon Shield.
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