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  1. D

    A little present for you folks :-)

    I dont know in which forum I should open this thread but it has more to do with painting and crafting then with the other forums. I`ve cleaned up my hard drive this weekend and found some old conception blue - prints of an old project of me. So I decided to spend some extratime in photoshop to...
  2. D

    some comments to sophie please

    OK here she is I would know what you think about technique,the sword, base, PHOTO :-( (My camera hates me ). so this is the chanse to all who havè not drop a line while voting
  3. D

    I would like to know some opinions about a league system at CMoN

    Hi folks i had read the threads about voting and how to vote and so on. I see it also everyday some guys posting here are newbies get very low rating and are properbly pissed off sometimes. I had the idea of a league system like e.a. Newbies normal people advanced profi god- like only a idea...
  4. D

    Whats your experience with selfinflicted injury while practice your hobby

    Ok While I read a thread in the painting and conversion forum how to make a wound I had the Idea for this thread.some comments there are very good stuff for comedy. So if you ever had this one moment while your are bleeding like hell and would to kickass yourself cuting in the wrong way feel...
  5. D

    Is there any interest (need) for an artikel about terainmaking and stonemaking?

    Hi folks Short question! After the lot of good feedback about my treetutorial I want to ask if you want more terainartikel in the next weeks? I`ve got a lot of stuff and ideas. The use of this thread is to clarify wich main focuses you wish.e.a stonemaking, basing, water;waterfall,river etc...
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