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  1. O

    Wip 1st sculpt (bust)

    So this is my first major project so far I like the way it\'s coming out. I have more smoothing and detail to work then I\"ll probably bake it again and see where I\"m at. The thing over his shoulder is (will be) the hilt of a sword in a scabard. I\'m thinking scale mail for the armor or...
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    Jumping right in

    So I haven\'t painted in years and have recently begun my foray into minis again. I used to paint Ral Partha stuff and had never seen any of the techniques used these days. So I decided to go for it and did a bit of conversion on this reaper mini I bought with an overall plan in mind. I wanted...
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    light tent

    light tent I know people have brought this up a few times and I ran across a good deal on one today. thought I\'d share the love. :)
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    Smoothing GS

    I\'m working on my first sculpt and was wondering if anyone has any tips for filling in fine lines, small blemishes left in the GS after they sculpt a model? I have tried sanding and that works fine on easily accessible areas but areas of fine detail or in awkward positions are a little hard to...
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