<p>I have done test models on space orks and they can be found from the <a href="http://www.miniatures-gallery.com/gallery/osku/space-ork-sluggaboyz" title="Space Orks">Gallery</a>. What do you think?</p>
<p>We also assembled the Battlewagon and 5 Dire avengers. Also we started working on the...
<p>I just ran out of glue! Months without doing anything and finally I manage to get a night off and what's the result? I find all my glue bottles dried up....</p>
<p>Ok so it's time to get some new, any tips on a specific brand? GW glue is quite steep, but it's ok quality.</p>
<p>I'm looking...
<p>Ok we are starting a small 40k armies with our family.</p>
<p>Our daughter has chosen Eldar and Our son has chosen Orks. Eldar chose battleforce and Orks bought 2 startersets + Battlewagon.</p>
<p>Stay tuned what's coming :)</p>