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  1. C

    My first 2 Sessairs in the net!

    I finally have some Pics of Tanath and the Oracle though they truned out quite bad. All the blue colors are mixed up :( and even the damn Gae Bolga turned blue though its dark grey highlighted with Wolf Grey. Well its my first try so if ya have any suggestions, please tell me...
  2. C

    Mira limited?

    Is it true that theres a limited Mira comming out this month? And if so, whats the differents between the normal and the limited one????
  3. C

    Independent Mercenaries?

    Can someone tell me about those 4 Independent Mercenaries: Kar-Nehra, Lenaic of Aran, Meghan the Enchantress, Rejan of Orbeh I have never seen them in any shop. Are they available somewhere in the net. If not when are they comming out? ???
  4. C

    Only a dream?

    Please guys I need help! Its a few days since I have this problem now and I just can\'t figure it out on my own. I\'m not sure if its not only a dream or if I just got too high? A few days ago, I thought I somewhere read that the Sessairs are now able to form an alliance with the Wolfen! Can...
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