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  1. X

    Stats for Red Lionesses !!!

    Tomorrow is the time for a game, and we need card translations for Lionesses (on foot and mounted). I\'m short on time PLEASE HELP !!!
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    Help me to start my first Conf game!

    Yess!!! I\'ve finally found a guy, who want\'s to play Confrontation and has minis for it! But... There is a few problems: 1) He\'s a mini painter (GOOD one) and he bought just few minis here and there (3 Orc Crossbows, 2 Fiannas + something else). No problem - my Griffins will fight with...
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    Something about Gubbinz

    I desided to start Goblins army, parallel with my Griffons. But I have a problem - basic Gobbo warriors(exept bow users) look... not right to me. So, I wanna to bye a box of GW Gobbo(I hate to do it... but it\'s a last resort) and convert them completely. Bases look the same... Can I do it and...
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    Just curious (+ wanna get something to read in here in English)

    Plz, post your armylists with short descriptions. Maybe even photos. It will be interesting to see\\read... So ?.. :rolleyes:
  5. X

    Mid-Nor Sentinel Card ?

    Got package from RM and got Sentinel 4 free. So, I\'m thinking about making him a \"training dummie\" for Shanys(it will be easier to learn the rules). But I don\'t have a card. Could someone give me a full Sentinel card description ? In English of coz! :flip:
  6. X

    So, let the Confrontation begin...

    Just ordered: Shanys, the Shadow; Executioners; Thallions w. swords; err... Fusitilers or something (shooters). +box of Vallejio paints(it\'s offtopic) Does it look like an army(I mean composition vise) ? Roughly how many points ? And to French speakers(readers): Could someone give me...
  7. X

    Getting started...

    Hi to all of you! I decided to start my Confrontation career and need some help. First, I don\'t understand- race rules books doesn\'t exist? There are cards instead ? Second, I wanna find some Confrontation players around me. I live in Maryland, not so far from Delavare. If there are someone...
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