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  1. K

    Shredder Spam

    Just managed to get my camera working again, and got my pics of this little guy up. Fun to paint, but he better be, as I plan on taking a purely obscene amount of these guys in my Everblight list. Any comments on how I can improve my painting are always appreciated. :)...
  2. K

    Lylyth WiP Log

    Lately I\'ve been feeling I\'ve been stuck in a rut with my painting. While I\'m relatively satisfied with the quality of my finished peices, I\'m annoyed that none of them seem to be any better than the last. Heck, in some cases, despite my best efforts, I feel I\'ve been backsliding. So...
  3. K


    Only parts really done are the skin, and the silver (although the metal probably needs a little work). Oh, and the chest-peice. The brass is basically just basecoated, and the coat probably needs another highlight or two. I\'m also VERY disatisfied with the base. Any ideas on how to paint it?
  4. K

    Cryx Bane Knight The first real model I\'ve completed for my Cryx army, other than a (technically) done Deathripper I used for a testbed. Any and all comments would be appreciated. How can I improve him so the rest of my army works better?
  5. K

    Important legal consideration: If you\'ve posted an article on CMON, please take a look at this.

    Important legal consideration: If you\'ve posted an article on CMON, please take a look at this. Being a general good citizen, and interested in writing my own...
  6. K

    New Orks, Vostroyans, Eldar, and Chaos spotted at Nuremburg

    Pics shamelessly stolen from Spharenteor. Looks like we\'ll be getting a Lucious model, a big mek, a new flying chaplain, new Kommandos, and some kewl looking possessed marines, along with the buggers we\'ve already heard about. Chaplain can be seen in top left corner.
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