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  1. Grayfax

    Kickstarter: Modular RPG Dungeon by Secret Weapon

    I just saw this Kickstarter for Tablescapes Dungeons by Secret Weapons and it looks pretty cool. Correction! There are 11 days left, but this has been funded and is unlocking stretch goals! $20,000... $200,000... close is same-same.
  2. Grayfax

    Malifaux Paint Recipes

    I'm going to be picking up two sets of Malifaux miniatures in the very near future for my wife and I do some Friday Night Paint sessions together. Hers: Kirai (Resurrectionist) Mine: Shenlong and the Temple of Dawn (Ten Thunders) So far I've only painted Zombicide miniatures using Army...
  3. Grayfax

    Grayfax WIP

    Hello world! Isn't that how all of these things are supposed to start? At least it seems that way, but then I have been working in IT for too long. Which is a pretty darn good reason to find something fun to do instead of staring at a computer (or tv) screen when I get home in the evenings...
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