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  1. G

    Why do you keep hitting yourself?

    With Compel and Promises of the Lord of Lies upon a successful Will Attack you get to make an enemey model use one of its attacks against itself or a model within 2". This brings up a couple of questions. 1) Can this attack benefit from Inspires, Trainings or Insights (if certain Shael Han...
  2. G

    Rising Conflict Questions

    I really like a bunch of the changes. It is going to take some time to process what it means for everything, especially Hadross for me. I am hoping to get in a game or two this weekend but I do have some questions and am hoping someone can help. Some of these I think I know the answer but just...
  3. G

    The Humble Iron Lotus

    I want to take a look at the claims of the Iron Lotus as being not worth it and not matching its fluff. I’ve tried to be as fair as I can with this, not letting personal opinion sway me. First the fluff a place where the Iron Lotus stats and what is written about it do not always add up. First...
  4. G

    Played First Game! Have Questions...

    Hello, This weekend I played a Hadross v. Nasier game and while we have recognized and dealt with several issues that came up during it LoS, SoI of the leader, etc... we still have a couple of questions. With the Pelegarth who gets to determine what direction the enemy model is knocked back...
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