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  1. T


    After (another..) stop of a few months I have started painting again, and I am not planning to take another brake soon :P At the Games Day Germany last year, I have bought the LotR Spectres. the Elf will be my entry for a local painting competition, and the other one was just to get into...
  2. T


    As good as finished! Only the sword needs some cleaning. If there are any points of critic, they can be fixed very easily, because I have to do some cleaning on him after all. I\'m very satisfied with the result (so far) Some uncropped pictures (huge pics!) Left Right I\'m especially...
  3. T

    WIP - Imrahil [Update #3] GD entrance, LotR Category

    I\'ve started a new project yesterday, just a single LotR miniature, Imrahil. Since I don\'t really seem to get better, I\'m going to share the painting proces with you. I have never payed a lot of attention to colour choise, or texture, for example. I hope that I can get advice from you, and...
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