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    Celtos dirty little secret or am I uninformed?

    After following a link to some old resin terrain I stumble upon this. Exhibit A After further probing I find these. Exhibit B Exhibit C And Exhibit D These all bear a striking similarity to the celtos line of terrain that can be seen HERE. Does anyone know why Grendel resins look exactly...
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    Eureka mini dealer?

    Does anyone know of a us distributer of the Eureka Swat line? I want to have a swat guy made of me and they have the best I\'ve seen so far. Any other suggestions are welcome to.
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    Is Forgeworld down?

    I have not been there in a while and when I tried to go there to look at some pics I just get a page cannot be displayed message. I have been out of the mini loop for a while, but I think I would have heard about forgeworld going bottoms up. So, whats going on????
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    UW Sniper Help

    I am going to be painting a sniper from the Urban War set and would like some ideas.(The one on the right.) The goggles and the scope lens will be painted like blue gems. I want to do a brown/green cloak, but I don\'t know what colors to do everything else. What I\'m trying to say is, how...
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    A blind archer anyone?

    I\'m looking for an archer fig that has a blindfold on for a diorama I\'m planning. It doesn\'t matter if he is shooting or just holding the bow, but he needs to have it in his hands and not on his back. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
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    Painting Horses

    Can anyone point me to a good article about painting horses. I recently bought the celtos chariot and I have no idea how to paint the horses so any help would be appreciated.
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    Need a druid

    Im looking for any 25 to 30mm fig that will make a good druid for role playing games. I am looking for top quality druids only. Preferably with a staff or spear. Got one painted on cmon? Link to it for us all to enjoy, plz.
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