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  1. Z

    What could I do to improve my painting (see pic)

    Hello, I just wanted to get some people\'s opinions on my painting and what I could do to improve it. Two of my better characters can be seen here. First off about my style: I use delta ceramcoat paints, I like how they blend, are cheap (college student), and have helped me in a lot of ways...
  2. Z

    H: Chaos Space Marines W: $/Daemonhunters/VC

    Hello all, I have recently decided to sell off my budging Chaos Space Marine collection. Most of the models are painting to a high gaming standard, you will not be disappointed with these - I will try to get pictures up soon - and these are a great way to add some well-painted troops to the...
  3. Z

    Painting Velvet?

    Hello all. I\'m currently working on a converted GW von Carstein vampire, that I have converted a bit. He\'s going to be painted up to be a bit like Lestat de Lioncourt (for any Anne Rice people out there). So basically I was wondering what suggestions people had for black velvet. What I\'m...
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