Thought Id open a topic for discussing what happened, showing what looked cool etc etc.
Congrats to Vince Hudon aka "boltman"for his well deserved slayer win. It was a great mixture of old faces and new earning awards
and some really strong competition in many categories. I remember someone...
Pics are overlit :( drop the brightness on your screen about 15% and you should have a better idea of what they look like - I am really sad for the litle twilight skeleton - it was SO nice but is completely lost in the photo
Hi all - James Craig here with the schedule for the chicago Golden Demon Lounge :) Hope to see you there!
Chicago Golden Demon Lounge Schedule 2009
At Table:
1. Dylan Gauker
2. Bennet Blalocke Doane
3. Mathieu Fontaine
4. Nathan Comase
5. Kent Plumb
6. Dave Pauwels...