Search results

  1. Guidebot

    Best undercoat spray?

    Hi everyone. I've been using Army Painter sprays for some time now, but recently they're not really performing as well as I'd like. What's your favorite, best undercoat spray? I don't mind if it's black, white or grey, I'm just after a super high quality undercoat spray to try. Many thanks...
  2. Guidebot

    Best Spray Varnish for Finishing?

    Hey everyone. Simple question really; What's your favorite spray varnish for finishing models intended for play (and why)? For a long while I've been using GW satin finish spray, but only because it's what I have (and it's running out!). Would you recommend something else? Thanks a lot.
  3. Guidebot

    Airbrush Tutorials

    Hey everyone =) I finally took the plunge on an Airbrush setup. Can anyone recommend any online tutorials? Step by steps with pictures, or youtube vids, it's all good. What helped you when you were getting started? Cheers! EDIT: just fyi I have read the tutorials in the sticky thread =)
  4. Guidebot

    Wearing glasses while painting

    Hello all; I`m guidebot, new poster. Nice to finally post here. I have almost perfect eyesight, but after a friend told me about wearing glasses for painting I gave it a try. I borrowed his pair, which make everything just a little bigger, and I was amazed at the difference they made. So, I...
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