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  1. OssumPawesome

    Counterattack Interaction

    So, I ran into an interesting query while I was playing with a friend fielding House Goritsi against my Nasier. When the Zeti use Deadly Flourish, would I still get counterattacks from my Ashmen even if the Ashmen aren't currently engaged?
  2. OssumPawesome

    Combined Activations and Leader Interactions

    So, reading the Inspire rules in my rulebook, I noticed the Inspire only goes off if all the models in the Combined Activation matched the leader's type. That made me wonder, could a Skorza leader issue a combined activation to Zeti infantry? Seems like it could. Even beyond that, could that...
  3. OssumPawesome

    Singles or Bits?

    Hello. So I have most of my Goritsi box and all put together but there was a slight problem with on of the Dance Masters. Well, two slight problems. First, the poor girl seems to be lacking a face. My solution would have been to fill the hole in her head with green stuff then freehand a mask...
  4. OssumPawesome

    Blood Engine Keeper?

    Hey, I'm a new guy and in case you couldn't tell, decided to go with House Goritsi (vampires and werewolves working together to shred face...still a better love story than Twilight) and there was something a little confusing in my Blood Engine box. The Keeper is an interesting little guy, but is...
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